Prayers and Healing

CCWH Healers

Our healers are available to support your healing process and trained in various modalities. Email for more information about the modalities or to schedule an appointment.

Mary Huber

Minister, Pastor, RN

Elizabeth Good


Annette Warden


Gloria Cousar


Reiki Master, Bach flowers, Self Image Color Analysis, Spiritual Counseling, Ericksonian Hypnosis

Reiki Master, Magnified Healing 

Reiki Master, Huna Healer, Stress Release


Biogenesis, Magnified Healing


View the latest news about nuclear disarmament and direct your prayers for world peace. 

Submit a request to add someone in need to the CCWH Prayer List. The Prayer Team regularly energizes this updated list with prayers and healing. 

Lend support to the Mission of CCWH as a part of our critical mass of lightworkers in the areas of teaching, healing, worship, and more.