Our Mission

The Community Chapel of Wholistic Healing (CCWH) is a nondenominational spiritual community with a mission to foster expanded spiritual growth and development without dogma or prejudice. Founded in 1977, CCWH serves the cause of divine light by offering worship services, opportunities to receive healing, and teaching for integrating spiritual principles into daily living.

Upcoming Events

Message From Our Founder

Listening to Your Instincts

Find the Light of your Higher awareness with its answers to the most important and pressing problems facing you at this time. Your own truth can be revealed to you by following the advice offered this evening. The final decision must be yours and yours alone. The program is offered to aid individuals to recognize messages and people who carry the Light of Christ within. 

Integrated Wellness

Whether an established energy healer or novice, we welcome you to join our holistic healing group. We believe that each of us can create joy, comfort, and healing for self and others by the understanding of the oneness with all. To learn how contact info@ccwh.com

Pastor's Corner

So it is that a spiritual blueprint is built into each lifetime and it is for us to discover how to align with our soul in order to meet that which we have come to learn. Tune in for a broad overview of ancient teachings.  Read More >>

The Expanded View Podcast

Spiritual Perspectives on Animals

The Difference Between Feelings and Emotions

Intuition and Healthcare

Who Am I? And Why And I Here?

Weekly Meetings

Healers Meeting

Every Tuesday evening

Email: ministers@ccwh.com

Prayers for Peace

Every Thursday at 7:30 p.m. (EST)

Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/5600501650

Meeting ID: 5600501650

Or Call: (346) 248-7799

Accessing Your Inner World

Every Saturday at 10:30 a.m. (EST)

Intuitive Development Workshop

Email: pastor@ccwh.com